The Usher Board is dedicated in serving the body of Christ. Our mission as the forerunners of the church is to assist, guide and direct the congregation during the service. The ushers help the pastor make service a success by keeping order in the sanctuary. This ministry is fulfilled by performing the following duties:
- Preparing the sanctuary by making sure the temperature is set at a comfortable level.
- Arranging the envelopes, fans, literature and other items
- Standing as a door keeper and greeting all guests.
- Directing the saints with a smile, providing them with a program for the service, and leading them to a comfortable seat.
- Passing the collection plate
- Standing as a guard at the door during times of worship and altar call to allow the propagation of the Spirit without distraction.
- Being observant to all saints in need of assistance and service at all times.
This ministry is a very vital part of the church service. From greeting the saints at the front door to guarding the sanctuary from disturbance during altar call, the flow of the service is predicated on good ushers!